We, at Xpertec BPO have been working with clients around the globe, for over 06 years. Our service offerings vary from providing telephone support to clients’ customers to providing back office support functions. The data management plays a vital role in our process methodology and we take at most care in data protection.
Our data protection policies are in line with our Global clients’ expectation and we ensure data is protected from being misused or mishandled.
There are regular audits conducted to ensure the policies are in practice through our internal and external auditors periodically. We ensure & follow Information Security measures stringently. The ISMS (Information Security and Management system) practices will further enhance our data security management capabilities.
Some of the Data protection policies are explained briefly as below
All departments are given guidelines for data protection through ISM Manual (Information Security Management Manual) as part of ISO 9001:2015 standards. Please contact us for further queries on enquiry@xpertecbpo.com or +94 (11) 255 6576.