Xpertec BPO (Pvt) Ltd - Image Resources

Data Conversion

We provide wide range of data conversion services. The data conversion process is required to be performed as the data needs to be on a specific format to make full use of it. It can be a hand written content, audio content, video content, images, printed material etc. We use technology in the data conversion service for speed and accuracy.

We Outsource Data Conversion Services that includes:

  • Data Digitization
  • Extract Data from Images
  • HTML Conversion
  • XML Conversion
  • Electronic Document Management (EDM)
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
  • Converting Hand Written Content to Electronic format
  • Conversion of PDF content to Data in different formats
  • Extracting Data from Receipts & Online Bills

We use both technology and human skills to perform various data conversion services. We follow high standards in data management and data protection norms.

Need any help?

We are here to help our customer any time. You can call on 24/7 To Answer Your Question.

+94 (11) 255 6576